Employee Wellbeing: How HR Professionals Can Improve Their Workplace

Employee Wellbeing: How HR Professionals Can Improve Their Workplace

The wellbeing of employees is an important factor for any business. In order to be successful, organizations must prioritize the wellbeing of their employees and create an environment that fosters engagement and productivity. As HR professionals, it is our responsibility to ensure that the workplace is conducive to employee wellbeing and that our employees feel supported and valued in their roles. In this blog, we will explore how HR professionals can measure employee wellbeing, how to create a positive employee experience, the importance of investing in employee wellbeing, best practices for measuring employee wellbeing, strategies for addressing employee wellbeing challenges, and tips for maintaining employee wellbeing.

Employee Experience

Woman being happy

Creating a positive employee experience is essential for a healthy workplace. Employees should feel valued and appreciated in their role, as well as have a sense of ownership in their work. Companies should provide opportunities for employees to learn and grow, as well as give them the tools necessary to do their job efficiently. Technology can be an important tool for creating a positive employee experience. Technology can streamline processes, provide employees with the latest information, and enable them to collaborate with colleagues more easily.

Importance of Employee Wellbeing

Man meditating

Employee wellbeing is essential for a healthy workplace. Investing in employees’ wellbeing can have positive impacts on morale and productivity, as well as reduce turnover rates. Companies should strive to create a culture of wellbeing, which focuses on providing employees with the resources they need to stay healthy and engaged in their work. This could include providing access to mental health resources, offering flexible working arrangements, or providing financial literacy programs.

Wellbeing Measurement

Woman looking at surveys

Measuring employee wellbeing is essential for understanding how your organization is doing and what areas need improvement. Usual practices for measuring employee wellbeing include conducting surveys, focus groups, or one-on-one interviews with employees. New types of measurement are now part of an employee portal where the employee can select how they are feeling for that day and the provide a quick reason for that. This type of measurement is not only easier to get but also collected more frequently than traditional methods. Employees can look back at their entries and get a sense of their wellbeing trends. Managers can see an anonymized view across their teams and can actively manage their teams wellbeing. At Intellective, as part of our Employee Experience offering on ServiceNow, we have built a wellbeing measurement application for this purpose.

Addressing Wellbeing Challenges

therapy session

Addressing employee wellbeing challenges is an important part of creating a healthy workplace. Organizations should develop strategies for addressing issues such as stress, burnout, or lack of engagement. Companies should provide resources such as counseling services or mental health programs for employees in need of support. Organizations should also identify at-risk employees and provide them with additional support.


Employee wellbeing is essential for a healthy workplace. As HR professionals, it is our responsibility to ensure that our employees feel valued and supported in their roles. We must invest in employee wellbeing and create an environment that fosters engagement and productivity. Measuring employee wellbeing is key for understanding how our organization is doing and what areas need improvement. Finally, we must develop strategies for addressing employee wellbeing challenges and provide resources for at-risk employees. By taking these steps, we can create a culture of wellbeing that will benefit both our organization and our employees.