The Essential Union of UX and Content Design: Achieving Consistency for an Unforgettable User Experience

The Essential Union of UX and Content Design: Achieving Consistency for an Unforgettable User Experience

User experience (UX) design and content design are two critical aspects of a product's overall design strategy. To create a truly cohesive and effective user experience, it is essential to achieve consistency between these two elements. This blog will explore the importance of this harmonious relationship and provide practical tips for maintaining consistency across the UX design and content design.

Understanding the Relationship between UX Design and Content Design

Mobile wireframe
Defining UX design and content design:

UX design focuses on creating a product that is easy to use, efficient, and enjoyable for users. It involves researching user needs and preferences, designing the product's layout and interface, and testing the product to ensure it meets user expectations. On the other hand, content design is the process of crafting and organizing the written, visual, and multimedia elements of a product to effectively communicate its message and achieve its goals.  In the realm of ServiceNow, content design often falls onto the Knowledgebase and the articles that are part of it.

Exploring the connection between the two:

UX design and content design are inherently connected. The UX design sets the stage for how users interact with the content, while the content design provides context and meaning to the user experience. A well-designed interface will be ineffective if the content is poorly written or disorganized, and vice versa.

The role of each in the overall user experience:

Both UX and content design play crucial roles in shaping the user experience. UX design ensures that the product is functional, visually appealing, and easy to navigate, while content design ensures that the information presented is relevant, engaging, and easy to understand.  

The Importance of Consistency in UX Design

Man using a laptop
Establishing a consistent visual language:

A consistent visual language creates a sense of familiarity and trust among users. It includes elements such as color schemes, typography, iconography, and spacing. Consistency in these elements helps users quickly understand and interact with a product, reducing cognitive load and promoting a positive user experience.

The impact of inconsistency on usability and user satisfaction:

Inconsistent UX design can lead to confusion, frustration, and ultimately dissatisfaction among users. If users have to relearn how to interact with different parts of a product, it reduces their efficiency and negatively impacts their overall experience.  We heard from many customers saying in ServiceNow creating content via articles in the knowledgebase is challenging given the limitations of the authoring tools.  Therefore all efforts spent on creating great UX on the portal are overshadowed by the limitations of the content experience.

Benefits of a consistent UX design:

Consistent UX design promotes a seamless and enjoyable user experience, leading to increased user satisfaction, engagement, and retention. It also reduces the learning curve for new users and can contribute to a strong brand identity.

The Importance of Consistency in Content Design

Two woman talking to each other
Achieving a unified content strategy:

A unified content strategy ensures that all content within a product aligns with the product's goals, audience, and brand identity. This includes maintaining a consistent tone, voice, and style across all content types and channels.  

The role of tone, voice, and style in content consistency:

Tone, voice, and style are essential elements of content design that contribute to a consistent user experience. They help establish a recognizable brand personality and ensure that content is engaging and accessible to users.

The impact of inconsistent content on user engagement and retention:

Inconsistent content can confuse and alienate users, leading to lower engagement and retention rates. Users are more likely to trust and engage with a product if its content is coherent, well-organized, and consistently presented.

Strategies for Achieving Consistency between UX and Content Design

Young people working together
Collaborative approach between UX and content designers:

Encourage open communication and collaboration between UX and content designers to ensure a consistent vision and design approach. This can include regular meetings, shared project management tools, and feedback loops.

Creating and maintaining design systems and style guides:

Design systems and style guides provide a framework for maintaining consistency.  Enable the authors with the tools where they can leverage the design system patterns and styles without having to possess expert HTML skills.  With tools like Amaze, the visual article builder, authors can simply drag and drop beautifully designed templates that reflect the brand and style guides to quickly add their content to them.  


Investing in creating a great UX is one part of the equation of driving meaningful transformation. Content design is essential to offer your users the consistency they expect to be effective at using the solution.  Investing in revamping portal solution on ServiceNow by using Employee Center or Employee Center Pro should also include how to revamp your knowledge articles content.  With Amaze, the visual article builder, organizations like Best Buy have shown how they keep employees informed with rich communications content.